RHONY Luann de Lesseps ‘failed to complete or comply with any special condition’ of probation after 6 months

The Real Housewives of New York City star Luann de Lesseps got a very favorable plea deal after her arrest stemming from a drunken altercation with multiple Florida police officers on December 23, 2017. As part of the deal, Luann was able to avoid the multiple felony charges against her by pleading guilty to three misdemeanor counts. She was also able to avoid jail time, but was given one year of probation with a rather long list of requirements and restrictions — a long list that the former Countess seems to have since forgotten!

Here are most of the conditions of her probation:

1. Pay all applicable fines and court costs

2. Perform 50 hours of community service for any non-profit organization at a minimum of 10 hours per month

3. Attend two (2) AA meeting per week

4. No possession/no consumption of alcohol, or illegal drugs, with random testing at Defendant’s expense

5. A letter of apology to Deputy Steven O’Leary

6. Attend a Victim Impact Class put on by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers

Luann has paid all of the fines and court costs, and she wrote her letter of apology to the arresting officer prior to her sentencing. It’s the rest of the conditions that she is struggling with.

The Florida Department of Corrections filed a progress report last week with the following update on Luann’s lack of progress:

The subject was instructed by the Court to complete several conditions of supervision and has failed to comply as follows:

The subject was ordered to complete 50 hours of community service at a rate of 10 hours per month. Per the subject’s New York probation officer, she has only completed 25 hours.

The subject was to complete 2 AA/NA meetings per week, per her New York Probation Officer she has failed to provide documentation that she is following that special condition.

Per New York, the subject is to use a soberlink device to determine usage of alcohol and the subject has been noncompliant with condition.

The subject has failed to complete a victim impact panel class as well.

The subject has been allowed unlimited travel abd has used that as a reason to be noncompliant with her conditions of supervision.

The subject has been under supervision for a period of six months and has failed to complete or comply with any special condition that has been ordered.

Included with the progress report were multiple instances in which Luann looks to have missed her scheduled breath test using a remote analyzer. There are photos of her enrolling that were taken on October 5 and November 16, but there were entries for her missed tests on November 4, November 5, November 24, and November 26.

Here are a couple examples:

Despite all of the issues with noncompliance, it was still the recommendation of the Florida Department of Corrections that there was “no further action required” and that Luann should be allowed to continue her probation in New York.

Meanwhile, Luann was photographed enjoying the beaches of Miami on Tuesday:

The former Countess may just start the new trend of probation vacations — for those lucky enough to be able to get away with it! Perhaps #probayvacay will be the new celebrity hash tag du jour?

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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