LINKS! Las Vegas shooting journalism fail, Oprah for President?, SlutWalk photo gallery…
DLISTED – Good Morning Britain combined a Mariah Carey Christmas interview with chyrons covering the Las Vegas shooting, in what has to be the new photo accompanying the “bad look” definition in the journalism dictionary
REALITY TEA – RHOC’s Meghan Edmonds’ stepdaughter was at the Jason Aldean concert when the Las Vegas shooting broke out
CELEBITCHY – Oprah might be weighing a presidential run
JEZEBEL – The Fyre Festival founder pleaded not guilty to everything
THE BLEMISH – Kristen Stewart is maybe going to be in the Charlie’s Angels remake; do we need a Charlie’s Angels remake?
VOX – The head of the EPA has a secret phone booth in his office and a security detail to rival Beyonce and Jay-Z’s because reasons
VERY SMART BROTHAS – “I’m Scared to Death I Won’t Be Able to Protect My 2-Year-Old Daughter From Her Own Country”
THE SUPERFICIAL – Amber Rose held her third-annual SlutWalk over this weekend; have some pictures
UPROXX – Terrorists continue to target live music venues, meaning fans of live music have to resist the urge to stay home
(Photo credits: Las Vegas shooting journalism fail via YouTube)