LINKS! Las Vegas shooting journalism fail, Oprah for President?, SlutWalk photo gallery…

Las Vegas shooting journalism fail

DLISTEDGood Morning Britain combined a Mariah Carey Christmas interview with chyrons covering the Las Vegas shooting, in what has to be the new photo accompanying the “bad look” definition in the journalism dictionary

REALITY TEARHOC’s Meghan Edmonds’ stepdaughter was at the Jason Aldean concert when the Las Vegas shooting broke out

CELEBITCHYOprah might be weighing a presidential run

JEZEBELThe Fyre Festival founder pleaded not guilty to everything

THE BLEMISHKristen Stewart is maybe going to be in the Charlie’s Angels remake; do we need a Charlie’s Angels remake?

VOXThe head of the EPA has a secret phone booth in his office and a security detail to rival Beyonce and Jay-Z’s because reasons

VERY SMART BROTHAS“I’m Scared to Death I Won’t Be Able to Protect My 2-Year-Old Daughter From Her Own Country”

THE SUPERFICIALAmber Rose held her third-annual SlutWalk over this weekend; have some pictures

UPROXXTerrorists continue to target live music venues, meaning fans of live music have to resist the urge to stay home

(Photo credits: Las Vegas shooting journalism fail via YouTube)


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