Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club star May Yassine made headlines as rumored Zayn Malik hook up, has her own Urban Dictionary entry
Tonight, MTV introduced viewers worldwide to the easy-on-the-eyes young men and women (aka “American ambassadors”) hired as staff for Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club in Mykonos Greece. The show is sure to be jam packed with sexy drama and blog-post-inducing antics, which is something two of the cast members (including Lindsay) are very familiar with already!
25-year-old May Yassine caused quite the stir among One Direction fans going all the way back to 2012 when she reportedly first met Zayn Malik and the two allegedly had some seriously fun times together. From xoxogossipgroupie:
She’s one of the the few (or only) reoccurring Zayn groupies out there, May and Zayn met back in 2012 on their first big tour,
She was a friend of Sydney Dalton (if you can even remember who that is) and May, Sydney and some friends got a room in the same hotel as the boys. The boys being young, immature, and not as famous and careful as they are today, some how came in the path of May Yassine (or at least Zayn did) and the two got up to something.
As you may have gotten from the excerpt above, May reportedly “got up to something” more than once with Zayn, the only “groupie” to achieve that notoriety. And the xoxogossipgroupie site includes a screen cap of a tweet allegedly made by May in which she responded to someone else who wrote “May yassine already on Zayns d*ck” by tweeting: “been there done that, leaving my leftovers for hungry b*tches like you enjoy.”
Apparently, May used to have quite a bit of fun flaunting her supposed hook up with Zayne on Twitter, but all of those tweets have been deleted — if they ever existed. Meanwhile, there are lots of other places online where May has responded to people asking if she hooked up with Zayn by flatly denying it. An example from
Have you met 1d? Why do people call you groupie
Yes I Have and no I have never hooked up with any members and no I’m not a groupie. People are delusional and it’s sad that girls and guys can’t just hangout without people assuming a lot of sh*t. Don’t listen to the stuff you hear and read.
May mentions on Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club that she does extensive traveling around the world, and A LOT of that seemed to be centered around seeing One Direction and other bands on tour early on. And speaking of other bands, May was also rumored to have “got up to something” with other hot young musicians like Max George from The Wanted and Calum Hood from 5 Seconds of Summer.
May’s notoriety even earned her an entry on!
Dang, somebody obviously was not a fan of May’s!
My guess is that May’s infamous alleged past will come up on Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club — I mean how could the producers resist? If so, I cannot wait to see the eyes of all the other cast members light up when they hear the rumor, and then see May shake her damn head in exasperation when the topic comes up. “F***. Not the Zayn Malik thing again!”
While researching this post I ran across a few other interesting facts about May Yassine, including that her name isn’t really May Yassine. Her real name is Meriem Audrey Yassine, and the combination of her initials and being born in May led one of her junior high school friends to start calling her May — and that nickname stuck.
I also found an old list of May’s tattoos — although this list is obviously not complete because she has since gotten “nirvana” tattooed on her hip:
I have a rose behind my ear, I have love is louder on my rib I have a birthday in Roman numerals on my shoulder and I have Malika on my wrist
There are some more interesting tidbits, but I suppose I will save them for a future post!
Be sure to catch May and the rest of the Mykonos peeps with new episodes of Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club airing Tuesday nights at 8/7c on MTV! And if you’re curious to know more about how producers chose the cast members, be sure to check out our post about the show that includes the original casting call and more!
Oh, and before anyone gets all upset over this post sex shaming May or something similar — just know that if she slept with Zayn or whomever else, more power to her! I’m definitely in the camp that believes there is a ridiculous double standard with issues like this. If there was some guy who supposedly had sex with Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, and Jessica Simpson then his Urban Dictionary entry would surely read a bit different! Oh wait, maybe not.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)