Lindsay Lohan back in jail!

In a shocking decision by judge Elden Fox Lindsay Lohan was denied bail and escorted away in handcuffs!

This ruling went against all expectations and it is in question if this was even within the realm of what the judge was allowed to do under the law.  Perhaps Judge Fox was sick of all the “celebrity justice” talk and wanted to prove a point.

Fox did not hear any arguments before making his decision which is a mind blower because the underlying offense was a misdemeanor and experts were telling TMZ that the judge had to offer bail.  For those who have been in the wilderness for the last few days Lohan failed two drug tests during her probation – one in which she tested positive for cocaine and the other for Adderrall.

As for now Lohan is in custody and could remain there until October 22nd.  She was reportedly as shocked as the rest of us when the judge made his decision.  Wow!  It looks like the judge had his own message painted on his fingernail this time.

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