Kelly Osbourne gets head tattoo in tribute to Orlando shooting victims
Kelly Osbourne has shared a photo of a new tattoo on her head that she had completed in tribute to the victims of the Orlando massacre.
The ink that reads “Solidarity” is something she’s wanted to do for a long time but had put off. The tragedy that happened in Florida over the weekend motivated her to finally get it done.
Kelly wrote via Instagram:
Solidarity: “Noun. Unity of feeling of individuals with a common interest or purpose.” Individually, we have rights and unique gifts. Together, we have strength and powerful harmony. I have wanted to get this tattoo for a long time. The tragedy in Orlando devastated me and reminded me that every moment of our lives is precious. Every human is precious. Love hard. Live gracefully, authentically and with conviction, respect, purpose and compassion. Together we achieve what is impossible to those who stand alone. Those of us who embrace and respect freedom stand together, progress together, celebrate together and grieve together. You are not alone.
Osbourne had the word written in marker on her head during the L.A. Pride event over the weekend before she went and made it permanent.