Justin Bieber’s online crush responds to his Instagram advances: ‘I so do not know how to deal with this’
Who is Justin Bieber’s online crush, and how is she responding to his unwanted advances? This unexpected story took a sharp left turn this week, when a mystery girl whom Bieber asked his millions of fans to discover the identity of went viral–and not necessarily in the good way.
As is the case with almost all things viral, the Justin Bieber online crush story came from out of nowhere and took off rapidly. Just two days ago, Justin Bieber’s Instagram page was updated with the following image and caption:
Bieber has over 47 million Instagram followers, so, naturally, his question did not go unnoticed or unanswered. Over 1.3 million of those followers have liked the above photo since Bieber uploaded it, and the identity of the Justin Bieber crush girl was soon uncovered.
Who is the Justin Bieber online crush? Her name is Cindy Kimberly, and she posts to Instagram under the name @wolfiecindy. Cindy is an infrequent user of the social media platform; she’s uploaded 38 photos in 39 weeks. Since she became the official Justin Bieber online crush, though, the number of people following Cindy has blown right up: she has 345,000 followers as of this writing, and her YouTube page–to which Cindy Kimberly has uploaded no videos–went from zero to over 10,000 almost overnight.
In addition, a Daily Mail report provides some new information about Cindy Kimberly, and illustrates the gulf between her admirer’s lavish lifestyle and the day-to-day realities for Justin Bieber’s online crush. According to that article, Cindy Kimberly is a 17-year-old, $5-an-hour babysitter who lives in Spain. She is a student, and was arrested two years ago for drinking in the street.
And, as you probably guessed, “Cindy Kimberly” is not her real name. But what does Cindy Kimberly think of all this attention? The humble artist-turned-Justin Bieber internet crush is overwhelmed, if her most recent Instagram update is any indication:
I so do not know how to deal with this but I only have instagram (I did use to have a twitter account but I deactivated) Edit: I just deleted my tumblr and someone took my old url A photo posted by Cindy Kimberly (@wolfiecindy) on
It’s not yet known exactly how Cindy Kimberly came to Justin Bieber’s attention. He has done her the honor, however, of following her on Instagram–making @wolfiecindy one of only 79 people that Bieber keeps track of on the social media platform.
(Photo credits: Justin Bieber’s online crush via Instagram)