JoJo Spatafora Big Brother 14 modeling photos

JoJo of Big Brother 14 in a bikini

CBS has released the cast information for Season 14 of their hit reality series Big Brother today. I’m going to be posting up some profiles and first up is JoJo Spatafora, a bartender from Staten Island, NY.

JoJo, full name Josephine, probably doesn’t have a difficult time getting tips wherever she’s serving up drinks as the brunette is certainly easy on the eyes. She’s done some modeling and I thought I’d share a few of those pics with you as well as her bio information.

JoJo Spatafora


JoJo Spatafora Big Brother 14 sexy modeling photoAge: 26
Hometown: Staten Island, N.Y.
Occupation: Bartender
Three adjectives that describe you: Thankful, different and sparkling.
Favorite Activities: Rollerblading, dancing, cooking, traveling and ice skating.
Most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house: Not having a computer, cell phone or TV, although it’s pretty cool to just block everything out. I have no kids or special someone to go home to so it wouldn’t really bother me as long as I can chill in the backyard and tan.
Strategy for winning “Big Brother:” Of course I have a strategy, but is it smart to tell you? Is this a trick question?
Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most or least: I like Evil Dick the most because he’s “real.” I don’t like the red headed girl that got engaged to one of the other guys….Rachel? She thinks a lot of herself and her laugh is so annoying!
What are you afraid of: Snakes and creepy crawlers, sometimes heights and I don’t like the dark either – I watch too many horror movies.
Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… Everything happens for a reason… it’s a cliché, but true.
What would you take into the house and why: Chapstick so my lips stay soft, and a toothbrush because you have to brush your teeth – DUH!
What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous: I would try to keep a semi-low profile and stay as humble as possible.  I would love to donate money to charities because I know what it’s like to not have a lot.

If you were curious as to what JoJo’s life was like before her life inside the BB house you can check out her Twitter feed here. She said in her Model Mayhem account that:

I would love to be able to inspire young women everywhere that no matter what your dreams are, if you truly want to make them a reality, it is all up to you as long as you stay determined, loyal, humble, and strong. I believe that you need to have a tough skin to be in this industry, because rejection will happen, you have to be able to accept it and understand that not every role is for you. I am working on expanding my portfolio and having more variety in my photos. I currently have my own personal photographer who i meet with from time to time to do photo shoots. but of course i am looking to work with other photographers.

Here’s one more parting shot of JoJo. I think I could get use to seeing this Staten Island fairy in the BB house for a while!

JoJo Spatafora of Big Brother 14

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