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Gold Rush’s Todd Hoffman endorses Marco Rubio for president

Gold Rush Todd Hoffman Marco Rubio

Gold Rush is currently the most-watched original program on cable (The Walking Dead is temporarily on hiatus), so of course it makes sense that the show’s main star, Todd Hoffman, would be courted for an endorsement from the 2016 presidential candidates.

Todd has been very open about his political leanings, which are way to the right, so that narrows the field down to the Republican candidates.

Todd saw Donald Trump last week, and he met Ted Cruz recently as well. But it was a phone call with Marco Rubio that finally sold Todd and earned his endorsement. “I talked to Rubio and I appreciate his heart and where he wants to go,” Todd wrote on Facebook after his conversation with Marco. “I identify with Marco better,” Todd continues, explaining that “he was not a silver spoon kid. I came from humble means as did Marco. I believe Marcos faith is deep and he speaks from the heart. I feel like the blue collar guy will get a fair shot with him.”

Marco Rubio responded to Todd’s endorsement on Facebook by writing, “We’re glad to have you on the team, Todd! Thanks so much.” Todd responded with, “Go kick some ass.”

Marco Rubio Todd Hoffman

Despite coming out as Team Rubio, Todd made it clear that he would support either Trump or Cruz if they turn out to be the Republican Party’s nomination. “I have nothing against Trump,” Todd writes. “I feel like in business he wins and could help America. What my worry is that Trump might pick a Supreme Court replacement that doesn’t identify with my beliefs.”

Todd recently bumped into Ted Cruz while both were in line at an event in Washington, D.C. Todd says he introduced himself to Cruz as “Todd from Gold Rush,” but Cruz had never heard of the show. Todd said that fact had him concerned that Cruz “might be a little bit out of touch with the average dude.”

That last quote came from a Facebook video posted by Todd as they prepared to film an official endorsement video for Rubio in their own recording studio called “The Trap,” which is complete with a green screen backdrop and a news desk. Something tells me we will be hearing more and more from Todd in the days to come!

Here is the video posted by Todd followed by his full statement endorsing Rubio:

Making a video with or without hunter. Go Rubio

Posted by Gold Rush Todd on Saturday, January 30, 2016

Talked to Marco Rubio on the phone today. Earlier in the year I talked to Cruz standing in a line in DC and he had never heard about our show. He is a great guy I’m guessing and obviously smart but I identify with Marco better, he was not a silver spoon kid. I came from humble means as did Marco. I believe Marcos faith is deep and he speaks from the heart. I feel like the blue collar guy will get a fair shot with him. I have nothing against Trump I feel like In business he wins and could help America. What my worry is that Trump might pick a Supreme Court replacement that doesn’t identify with my beliefs.

So I talked to Rubio and I appreciate his heart and where he wants to go. Normally I will not weigh in on political things but our country is so far in debt, drugs running free on the streets, taxes are so high and will go higher. Freedoms are being taken and the small business man is under attack.
Bernie is a socialist and Hillary is similar to Obama that doubled our national debt during his 7 years after Bush a republican ran it up as well. Both parties have contributed to our national debt which eventually be our downfall as a country if we don’t deal with it.

So after looking at all these guys yes Rubio fits me the best. I do admire Ben Carson and what he has brought to the race.

Thank you Rubio for talking to me on the phone and talking about the plight of the small businessman with me. Thank you for standing up for your faith in Jesus Christ.


Todd’s Rubio endorsement comes on the heels of Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson giving his much-coveted endorsement to Ted Cruz. So, are reality star endorsement going to become a huge deal? And if so, will it only be a major influence on the Republican side of things?

Stepping away from politics for a moment, Todd shared a big Gold Rush spoiler in his video when a commenter asked him if Parker Schnabel bought the land the Hoffman crew are currently mining making him Todd’s boss. (That was teased in in a preview clip after last week’s episode.) “Hell to the no,” said Todd. “Do you think, in God’s green Earth, that I would ever work for that kid? No. That would be the last kid on Earth before I asked him for a job.”

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