
George Clooney’s ex Elisabetta Canalis suffers miscarriage

Elisabetta Canalis and boyfriend Brian Perri together in February 2014

It was revealed last month that George Clooney’s ex-girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis was pregnant with her first child, reportedly with her spinal surgeon boyfriend Brian Perri (above). Sadly, Elisabetta announced in a lengthy post on WhoSay that she has suffered a miscarriage.

Here is the post roughly translated into English:

I wanted to start this post in a different way, first by thanking all the people, mothers and expectant mothers who have written beautiful things to me …. Believe me, so many times I wanted to answer your questions and share this great joy with you, that [I was pregnant] but I had decided to give me time, because it was still too early and, as [it is advised], “Do not ever say before 3 months.”

…The press had come to know of my state even before I wanted to talk about it myself … this happens when you have a public [life] and it is not anyone’s fault. The joy of being able to shout to the world, however, it was up to me. A happiness’ ….. incredible. Unfortunately, life gives you … a reality that you do not expect, and that is very hard to accept, even if you think you are strong enough and prepared. You’re never really ready to be told that there is no more beating [heartbeat] and that it had already stopped long ago.

I do not need to tell you how I had planned my life in these past 3 months. One who has [been through] this experience knows it. I just want to say to all those women who are going through it to stay strong because life goes on and it is nobody’s fault and nature acts in incomprehensible ways. We can only accept.

I just want to say that I feel you close, if you are suffering as I am doing. We can’t deny it, it’s like an incessant sorrow you can’t get rid of.

I know I’m lucky because I have a special man next to me that I wish all to have. The future is full of surprises and happiness, and there is a lot of hope, I continue to believe it. And thank you for the love you have shown me in this circumstance.

Here is the original post in Italian:

Avrei voluto iniziare questo post in maniera diversa, innanzitutto ringraziando tutte le persone, mamme e future mamme che mi hanno scritto cose bellissime ….credetemi, tante volte avrei voluto rispondervi e condividere questa gioia immensa con voi, cioe ‘ l’arrivo di un bambino ma avevo deciso di darmi del tempo , perche’ era ancora troppo presto e , come tutti mi avevano consigliato, “non si dice mai prima dei 3 mesi”. Ho passato delle settimane controverse, la stampa era arrivata a sapere del mio stato ancora prima che io stessa ne volessi parlare…questo succede quando si ha un’esposizione pubblica e non è colpa di nessuno. La gioia di poterlo gridare al mondo spettava comunque a me. Una felicita ‘ ….. incredibile. Ma purtroppo la vita ti mette dietro l’angolo realta’ che non ti aspetti e che è durissimo affrontare, anche se pensi di essere forte e preparata. Non si è mai veramente pronti a sentirsi dire che non c’e’ piu’ battito e che si era fermato gia’ tempo prima. Inutile dirvi come avevo programmato la mia vita in questi ultimi 3 mesi. Chi ha passato quest’esperienza lo sa bene . E vorrei dire a quelle donne che ci stanno passando in questo momento di essere forti ragazze perche’ la vita continua e non è’ colpa di nessuno e la Natura agisce per vie incomprensibili . Noi possiamo solo accettare . E voglio dirvi che vi sono vicina se state soffrendo come sto soffrendo io , inutile negarlo , si prova un dolore inspiegabile ma costante che fatica ad andare via. So di essere fortunata perche’ ho un uomo speciale vicino a me che auguro a tutte di avere. Il futuro è pieno di sorprese e di felicita’ e ve ne auguro tantissima, io continuo a crederci . E grazie per l’amore che mi avete dimostrato anche in questa circostanza.

Our thoughts are with Elisabetta and Brian at this heartbreaking time. We applaud her courage to make the statement and her ability to remain at least partly optimistic in a devastatingly dark time.

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