
Gabourey Sidibe knows how to handle Twitter critics

American Horror Story Coven Queenie Gabourey Sidibe 2014 Golden Globes after party

American Horror Story: Coven actress Gabourey Sidibe attended the Golden Globe awards Sunday along with many of her fellow cast members. As usual, she was her affable and exceptional young lady self, and as usual, folks felt it was necessary to comment on her weight.

Queenie handled the haters with some glorious Gabby flare as she posted the following:

As you can see the tweet was, like Queenie herself, much loved by the masses and she couldn’t help but respond, with humility, to the round of applause she received for her shade:

Like her Coven character famously stated, “The war is coming… and you are going to lose.” In her honor, we would like to introduce a new internet meme, #QUEENIED!

#QUEENIED – To be upstaged by someone who is simply a better person.

Gabourey Sidibe QUEENIED meme

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