Chris Brown thanks God that he’s a free man again

Chris Brown shocked funny photo

Breezy has blown right on out of the jailhouse y’all!

Chris Brown was sentenced to 131 days in jail on May 9, but walked out as a free man after 108 days because math…

Making the sentencing equation even more confounding is the fact that Brown actually got hit with a year behind bars but that time was reduced with credit from his stint in rehab as well as time already served.

Brown was cooling heels again because a judge ruled that he had violated his probation stemming from his assault of Rihanna. The year sentence that became a 131 day sentence that ended up being a 108 day stay could have been 4 years if the judge would have been so inclined.

Brown gave some higher power props via Twitter this morning:

C.B. shouldn’t celebrate too much because he has his D.C. assault case looming.

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