Britney Haynes tweets advice for Big Brother 13 contestants
I am getting geared up for another season of Big Brother and even though it’s been a long cold winter I still have a serious crush on Season 12’s darling Britney Haynes! Speaking of Britney, she is handing out free advice to the as yet named (grrrrrrr) finalists who will be competing on what BB is promoting as, “the season with the craziest twists yet” (hopefully crazier than the flame out sabateur week one rejected Annie from last year).
Here is what professor Britney is advising as the July 7 premiere date looms:
Crappy toiletries but high-end condoms and I think our girl slipped one in on us by mentioning dental dams and condoms together . Thanks Brit! If you haven’t caught either one of the brief promo clips for BB 13 here they are:
I’m sure I’ll BB crush again but no one will ever out sass my girl from Arkansas. Hayden and his lovely Beatles mop may have took the bank but my southern belle stole my heart. Beautiful, witty, sharp as a Razorback’s tooth and shows well on camera, so how is Miss Haynes not a star yet!?
Photo: Britney Haynes Twitter