
Brand new VIDEO – “Ke$ha We R Who We R”

Ke$ha from her We R Who We R music video

The brand new video for Ke$ha’s single “We R Who We R” has just been released and it features the Tik Tok trash pop diva in her usual array of wild costumes and makeup as she and a crew of dancers get their techno rap groove on in an urban tunnel rave before culminating in the ultimate stage dive when Ke$ha plummets from atop a tall building into a crowd of screaming fans:

If you look closely (actually not that closely) you will notice the video has a number of rather obvious product placements including numerous moments when the DJs are looking around on plentyoffish.com:

Ke$ha pushes plentyoffish.com in her We R Who We R music video

Other products subliminally advertised in the video are Baby-G watches (for which Ke$ha is a big time spokesperson)

Ke$ha pushes Baby-G watches in her We R Who We R music video

and Tequila Revolucion:

Ke$ha pushes Tequila Revolucion in her We R Who We R music video

I suppose I can’t complain about the product placement seeing as how I pointed it out and even went through the trouble of providing links to the products. D’oh!

And a few more parting screen caps of Ke$ha being Ke$ha:

Ke$ha trying to look like Lady Gaga in her We R Who We R music video

Ke$ha with blue makeup from her We R Who We R music video

Ke$ha wears a torn American flag shirt in her We R Who We R music video

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