BALLOON BOY VIDEO Police arrive at Heene home with search warrant, charges imminent

Sheriff Jim Alderden

Sheriff Jim Alderden said in a press conference today that his department was drafting some search warrants, including one for the Heene home, and TMZ is reporting that at least three officers arrived at the home late Saturday night to serve the warrant. It’s unclear at this point exactly what they are looking for.

In the press conference Alderan also said that the Heenes are looking at charges that amount to a class three misdemeanor, “which hardly seems serious enough given the circumstances, so what we’re going to have to do is back up a little bit and retrack, talk to the district attorney. I’m sure we’ll wanna talk to FAA officials and federal officials to see if perhaps there aren’t additional federal charges that would be more appropriate in these circumstances.”

Here’s the video:

Something tells me Falcon Heene is throwing up again right now.

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