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VIDEO Apollo Nida selling USB wristbands from prison

Apollo Nida selling It's Only 4% wristbands

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star Apollo Nida isn’t going to let a little thing like eight years behind bars get in the way of business! The prisontrepreneur has launched a website to sell USB wristbands with “It’s Only 4%” printed on them, in reference to the percentage of time working out for an hour a day equates to.

The black wristbands, which will set you back a mere $8.99, are eight inches long, waterproof, and have 2GB of storage. “Four percent is only one hour of twenty-four hours in a day,” Apollo says in a promotional video for the wristbands (below). “That’s one hour to get right,” he adds. Here’s the clip followed by a transcript of Apollo’s sales pitch:

Check this out, too, it’s on the go. It’s a band. Take this bad boy out, plug it right in…It’s on the go. You’re at the hotel, you still get to work out…you’re still carrying this with you. You get to the hotel, put it right into the TV, you’re still rollin’. Put it into your laptop, you’re still rollin’. Only four percent. Nida Fitness on the go. And it’s a wristband. Real trendy. And it’s waterproof — can’t beat that.

Apollo wraps up his pitch with a message for those looking to defraud the defrauder. “Oh yeah,” he says, “and to the haters, don’t be stealing my idea!”

At $8.99 each, that means Apollo will need to sell at least 216,709 wristbands to pay off the nearly $2 million he owes in restitution to the victims of his fraud schemes.

If you ask me, I think Apollo missed an opportunity to create a USB wristband with a little bit more of a uniquely Nida flavor:

Apollo Nida It's only 4 percent handcuffs

You can order your “It’s only 4%” USB wristband (and your Nida Fitness t-shirt) at itsonly4percent.com.

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