Xavier Samuel – Photo Gallery Of The Twilight Eclipse star
Here is a collection of photos of Xavier Samuel, the latest addition to the Twilight Saga cast. Xavier will be playing the role of “newborn vampire” Riley Biers, according to The Hollywood Reporter, who first broke the story.
Riley will be conspiring with villainous Victoria in an attempt to kill Bella in Eclipse, the third installment of the Twilight Saga due to begin shooting next month and to be released June 30 of 2010. Riley and Victoria’s conspiracy is just a subplot in a movie centered on the love triangle between Kristen Stewart’s character Bella, vampire Edward Cullen (played by Robert Pattinson) and werewolf Jacob (played by Taylor Lautner).
CLICK HERE to check out clips of Xavier from his acting career, including Newcastle (2008), Angela’s Decision (2006), 2:37 (Two Thirty-Seven (2006) and Further We Search (???).