Lauryn Hill’s husband claims he’s not the father of her sixth child, or her husband
Lauryn Hill is now pregnant with her sixth child, and there’s a bit of drama and intrigue about who could be the father. Her long-time partner Rohan Marley, who she recently referred to as her husband and father of her baby (he’s actually married to someone else, and Lauryn doesn’t believe in legal qualifiers for marriage) denied on Twitter that he was in a relationship with Lauryn, or that he was expecting a child with her.
This is interesting considering their past together. According to Toure’s 2003 article for Rolling Stone, Lauryn dated her band mate from The Fugees Wyclef Jean, but she also started having relations with Rohan Marley (who is Bob Marley’s son). When she got pregnant, and no one knew who the baby’s father was, but it turned out to be Marley’s. They moved in together at a luxury hotel, and had four other babies.

Hill claimed to be married to Marley, but he was and still is married to woman named Geraldine Khawly. Marley married Khawly March 18, 1993 when he was 18 years old. They had two children together, and have never been divorced even though he fathered at least five children with Hill, and in 2008 claimed to be “spiritually together” with Hill. But now, apparently they’re no longer together, and Rohan denies fathering Hill’s sixth child.
He broke the information on Twitter. Here’s how that went down, (via Necole Bitchie):
After Hip Hop Wired tweeted a link to their story about Lauryn Hill being pregnant, Rohan replied to them,
“2 things, I’m not married and I don’t have anyone expecting anything.
Britni Daniels, an editor for Clutch magazine, then asked him:
“so we are clear: You’re not married to your ex-wife OR Lauryn, and 2) she’s not preggo w/ your child, but someone else’s?
Rohan responded:
“That’s correct, until I say out of my mouth to the contrary. Trust me the info out there has been so incorrect for so many years. “
That’s a lot of drama, but there’s just one question: if Rohan isn’t the baby’s father, who is?