Who is Cindy Barshop’s babies’ daddy?

When Jill Zarin first met 47-year-old Cindy Barshop, and saw her twin babies, she was vocally jealous of the late-in-life motherhood. She then immediately took to asking who the babies’ father was; nosy, but valid question, especially for a reality tv star.

Cindy is no longer with Zoe and Jesse’s father Kevin Downs, but they dated for a while, and were even engaged in 2006. In 2009 they split, a few months after the children were born. Kevin told The NY Post today that they were together a full five months after the birth of the babies, in response to Cindy telling Jill in the first episode that she wasn’t with anyone when she had her babies. Downs, who has children from a former marriage responded: “It’s just fiction that she raised them alone. The truth is she is not a single woman who had these kids on her own. I’ve been trying to work out a schedule with her to be with the girls.”

Kevin also revealed that Cindy is not the girls’ biological mother, or as he so delicately put it “Cindy has old eggs. I don’t know what else to say.” She reportedly shopped around for an egg donor after IVF treatments failed.

Real Housewives of New York‘s Season 4’s sixth episode actually shows footage of Kevin visiting Cindy and the girls, and Cindy explains that her brother Howie and Kevin no longer have good relationship. Kevin, who Cindy says sees the babies once or twice a week, depending on his schedule, seems a bit awkward with the babies, and Cindy reveals that she no longer has feelings for Kevin. She intimates “I don’t really know what Kevin and I have. I care about him, and he’s a nice person. But, I know what I feel, and I did the right thing.”


Cindy’s third baby is her Completely Bare hair removal spa brand that’s taking the Tri-State area by storm.

PHOTO: Johnny Louis/wenn

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