Whitney Thore’s mom Babs suffers stroke & seizures, Whitney shares video & statement

Whitney Thore's mom Babs suffers a stroke

Tonight is the Season 3b premiere of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, but show star Whitney Thore has tempered fans’ excitement about the show’s return by revealing that her mom Babs recently suffered “a stroke and a few seizures.”

Whitney broke the news via a statement posted on TLC.com. Here’s that statement in full:

Hey y’all! As we are gearing up for the new season of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, I wanted to let you in on something big, and a little scary, that just happened in our lives.

My mother (better known as Babs, of course) has suffered a stroke and a few seizures. We are working hard on her recovery and hope that she will be able to watch tomorrow night if her health permits.
This is undoubtedly the most traumatic thing my family has ever experienced but if anyone possesses the strength to make it through, we know it’s Mom! If Babs has ever made you laugh, or cry, or cry from laughing, please keep her in your thoughts today. Any prayers, well wishes, and good vibes are welcome! My mother has so enjoyed coming into your living rooms each week and we’d like to keep her there! We love and appreciate each one of you!

–Whitney, Dad, Hunter, and the cast of My Big Fat Fabulous Life

Whitney shared a link to the statement on Facebook yesterday and added some additional words:

I haven’t shared this with many people, but my mother (Babs) suffered a stroke. We are optimistic about a full recovery and she will be watching the premiere of #MyBigFatFabLife tomorrow night. If she’s ever made you laugh or cry — or cry from laughing— send some positive vibes her way!

Fans of the show know what a large role humor plays in the Thore family, so of course it makes sense that Whitney posted a video of Babs in a hospital bed cracking a funny/not funny joke about where she is:

“Where are you?” Whitney asks while holding her mom’s hand. “The same place I was last night, “Babs responds. “Where’s that?” Whitney says. “Hell,” says Babs. Actually, it’s more of a Southernified “Hayull.”

Just moments ago Whitney posted a photo of herself and Babs looking AMAZING together as they prepared for the My Big Fat Fabulous Life premiere tonight:

Whitney Thore and mom Babs together after Babs' stroke

“Mom and I are twinning for the premiere of #MyBigFatFabLife!” wrote Whitney. “See y’all at 9/8c on TLC!”

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