
Walking Dead creator Frank Darabont slams AMC ‘sociopaths,’ talks about his new show

Frank Darabont - Walking Dead - AMC Feud

Series creator Frank Darabont is one of the few people who doesn’t watch The Walking Dead.*

“Oh god no, why would I,” he told the Nov. 26 edition of Variety. “If the woman you loved with all your heart left you for the Pilates instructor and just sent you an invitation to the wedding, would you go?”

After adapting the popular show for television and producing the first season, Frank was reportedly pushed out of involvement by AMC executives. A couple of years have passed, but The Shawshank Redemption director remains frustrated with the way events unfolded.

“There’s a deep commitment and emotional investment that happens when you create something that is very near and dear to you, and when that is torn asunder by sociopaths who don’t give a s**t about your feelings or the feelings of your cast and crew because they have their own reasons to screw everybody, that doesn’t feel good.”

Frank is now working with TNT to produce Mob City, a six-episode show featuring former Walking Dead stars Jon Bernthal (Shane) and Jeffrey DeMunn (Dale).

Speaking with Entertainment Weekly this week, Frank was a bit more subtle with his insults for AMC.

“[TNT chief] Michael Wright has a tremendous reputation for running a filmmaker-friendly ship and did a lot to set my mind at ease. He made it known it would be a friendly and more supportive place.”

*That was an exaggeration. But, with 12+ million weekly viewers, it is a certified mega-hit.

Frank’s Mob City premieres on TNT on Dec. 4.

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