VIDEOS Rogue wave at Maverick’s surfing competition injures more than 36 people

Maverick's rogue wave

An estimated 20,000 people were gathered near Pillar Point in Princeton-By-The-Sea, California Saturday to watch the Maverick’s big wave competition when three large rogue waves swept into the crowd of onlookers, including one that was estimated to have been eight feet higher than the jetty. More than three dozen people were injured, including three people admitted to the hospital with fractured bones.

The waves came right at the peak of high tide, which was just around 10am Pacific time, in a competition that was already sporting the largest waves in its history.

Here are a collection of videos from the event from various viewpoints, the first of which is an NBC News report featuring multiple videos and interviews, including footage of the actual surfing competition:

This one was filmed from up above and features a good deal of inappropriate laughter and applause from spectators:

Here’s one shot from beach level amidst the chaos, including close-up shots of people during the aftermath:

Video showing people almost getting washed out to sea, including an interview with one of the injured:

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