VIDEO Ronnie Magro and Jen Harley get into physical fight during Instagram live stream

VIDEO Ronnie Magro and Jen Harley fight on Instagram live

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro doesn’t appear to have changed a bit since he was going into rages against Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola on the original incarnation of Jersey Shore. One day after he went on an Instag-rampage against his girlfriend (and mother of his one-month-old daughter) Jen Harley, Ronnie and Jen got into a physical altercation during an Instagram Live stream while she appeared to be packing up to leave.

The live stream was through Jen’s account, and it appears that Jen is filming as she and another woman pack up boxes — presumably an indication that she is moving out. Ronnie seems upset that Jen is live streaming, so he gets out his phone and apparently pulls up a video of Jen having sex with her ex — one of the videos that he was so angry about in his outbursts over the weekend.

Ronnie acts like a 12-year-old kid as he starts the video and repeats: “Let’s zoom in on that!” over, and over, and over again. He then switches to “Why don’t you wanna show that?” which he also repeats again and again as he continues to press his phone screen in front of the camera.

The woman holding the phone recording the altercation sums up the whole thing at the very beginning when she states flatly: “Disaster.”

The woman gets frustrated enough with Ronnie’s belligerent repetition that she apparently touches him in an effort to get him to stop trying to show the video playing on his phone. The contact seems to push Ronnie over the edge as he becomes the infamous Roncredible Hulk: “Put your hands on me again!” he yells. “Put your f**king hands on me again, I dare you!”

After that, it appears that Ronnie and the camera woman get into a physical scuffle as the video feed goes in and out.

It is unclear where the couple’s daughter Ariana Sky was during their altercation.

Here are two videos of the live stream captured and posted by Twitter user @thegoodteatime — be forewarned that they do contain profanity:

The altercation comes after Ronnie issued an apology for his tirade on Sunday. “I want to apologize for earlier to my fans, and especially @tater_tot_kitty,” Ronnie began. (@tater_tot_kitty is Jen’s Instagram handle, as you can see in the videos above.) “I acted on my gut and not rationally. I should’ve never acted in such a manor [sic]. My deepest apologies.”

Ronnie followed up that apology with another slightly different one earlier today: “I want to apologize to my family, friends, and fans. This is a private matter that should have never been made public. I remain focused on my daughter and she is my number one priority.”

Meanwhile, Jen Harley has erased all of the photos and videos from her Instagram account.

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