VIDEO Republican California Assemblyman Michael Duvall caught on tape bragging about sex with lobbyists

Michael Duvall can't keep it in his pants or keep it quiet
Michael Duvall can't keep it in his pants or keep it quiet

Republican Assemblyman Michael Duvall of Yorba Linda was at a Sacramento hearing when he had an explicit discussion with a colleague about recent sexual conquests, apparently unaware that the microphone he was wearing for the in-house television station was still on. The tapes were aired Tuesday evening on KCAL, leading to Duvall’s resignation this afternoon.

During KCAL‘s broadcast, it is revealed that one of the women Duvall claims to have had sexual relationships with is a lobbyist for a major utility company, which is not good considering Duvall served as vice chairman of the Utilities and Commerce Committee. Michael Duvall says on tape that the birthday of one of the women is July 6th, the same as “a Sacramento lobbyist for the San Diego-based energy firm Sempra,” according to the LA Times.

UPDATE – One of the lobbyists described by Michael Duvall (the one with “eyepatch underwear” and an affinity for spanking) is believed to be Sempra rep Heidi DeJong Garsuglia. CLICK HERE to see a photo of her.

Here is the video with Duvall describing his conquests:

Here is the complete transcription of what Duvall said in the above video:

So the other day she came here with her underwear. Thursday …

And we had made love Wednesday a lot.

So I am getting into spanking her … Yeah, I like it … I like spanking her. She goes, “I know you like spanking me.”

I said “yeah, that’s ’cause you are such a bad girl.” (laughs)

About a second woman:

Oh she is hot. I talked to her yesterday. She goes, “So are we finished?” I go, “No, we’re not finished.” I go, “You know about the other one, but she doesn’t know about you …” (laughing)

The LA Times describes some additional conversation caught on tape:

On the tape, Duvall describes the “little eye-patch underwear” worn by one of the women. He refers to the age gap between her and him, after a recent birthday made them 18 years apart. “Now, you’re getting old, man, I am going to have to trade you in,” he said he told her.

The Assemblyman said the following in a written statement issued today:

I am deeply saddened that my inappropriate comments have become a major distraction for my colleagues in the Assembly, who are working hard on the very serious problems facing our state. I have come to the conclusion that it would not be fair to my family, my constituents or to my friends on both sides of the aisle to remain in office. Therefore, I have decided to resign my office, effective immediately, so that the Assembly can get back to work.

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