VIDEO Ray J and Princess Love married: LHHH stars share first dance in leaked clip

Ray J and Princess Love married 1

The Ray J and Princess Love married story knows no bounds, as we’ve now got actual footage from the wedding reception! The Love & Hip Hop Hollywood lovebirds were married in front of a plethora of cameras, for an episode to air later during Season 3, but it seems that the footage of Ray and Princess sharing their first dance as husband and wife just couldn’t wait for the official release.

As we reported earlier this week, Ray J and Princess Love were married last Friday, in front of 150 family members and friends. Ray J had nine groomsmen (among them The Game) and Princess had nine bridesmaids–including her sister, Brandy, who also sang the Etta James classic “At Last” during the reception while the couple danced. Brandy, though, damn near stole the whole show–check out the clip below (courtesy of TMZ) and watch the couple marvel at her voice!

In the days since Ray J and Princess Love were married, they’ve both taken to their official Instagram accounts to share a ton more photos than we had in our original update. Without further ado, then, here’s a wedding photo gallery, courtesy of the bride and groom!


A photo posted by rayj (@rayj) on

My love @princesslove @rayjnprincess

A photo posted by rayj (@rayj) on

Special Moments from our wedding. @rayjnprincess

A photo posted by rayj (@rayj) on

#official @rayjnprincess

A photo posted by rayj (@rayj) on

#realLove @rayjnprincess #married #Godisgood #MrsNorwood

A photo posted by rayj (@rayj) on

My beautiful Maid of Honor @4everbrandy

A photo posted by Princess Love Norwood (@princesslove) on

Official ?

A photo posted by Princess Love Norwood (@princesslove) on

Flower girls ? #81216 ?

A photo posted by Princess Love Norwood (@princesslove) on

Mrs. Norwood #81216

A photo posted by Princess Love Norwood (@princesslove) on

#81216 ?

A video posted by Princess Love Norwood (@princesslove) on

Congrats to the happy couple!

The current season of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood airs Monday nights on VH1.

RELATED ARTICLES: LHHH Ray J & Princess Love wedding photos

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(Photo credits: Ray J and Princess Love married via Ray J on Instagram)

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