VIDEO PHOTOS Catelynn Lowell tries on wedding dresses, samples cakes

Catelynn Lowell tries on a wedding dress in preparation for her wedding

Teen Mom stars Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra are moving forward with their plans to wed on July 13, 2013, and the MTV cameras continue to tag along to capture some of the preparations for the upcoming Teen Mom Farewell Special! In this brief clip we get to see an emotional Catelynn trying on wedding dresses, eventually finding the one.

“Oh yeah, this is definitely it. It’s definitely my favorite,” Catelynn says just before succumbing to nerves and announcing, “Oh my God, I’m getting anxiety.” It’s then that she begins to tear up and gets consoled by her friends and family in attendance.

Here are a few more photos of Catelynn in her wedding dress:

Catelynn Lowell in her wedding gown

Teen Mom Catelynn Lowell wedding photo

Catelynn Lowell tries on wedding dresses

Catelynn Lowell's wedding dress full-length photo

And you gotta love the seemingly unexcitable April Baltierra!

April Baltierra watches Catelynn Lowell try on wedding dresses

After watching Catelynn find her wedding dress, we move on to her and fiance Tyler Baltierra auditioning different types of wedding cake, during which they debate whether or not Brandon and Teresa would be willing to bring their daughter Carly to the ceremony.

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra discuss wedding plans

July 13, 2013 can’t get here soon enough! Did we mention the wedding is going to be at a castle?!?

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