
VIDEO: Lurlene the cat adopts pit bull puppy named Noland

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This is Lurlene, a Cleveland cat mommy who adopted an orphaned pit bull puppy dog when the the one-day-old was dropped off at the Cleveland Animal Protective League.

Lurlene had just given birth to four kittens, Rivette, Espa, Zixi and Tallydab, and just welcomed the pup, named Noland, into her family and even nurses him. Pups without moms have a terrible survival rate, so the shelter is supportive of this inter-species adoption situation. Noland spends about nine hours a day with his new family.

Since he is growing much faster than his feline siblings, his feeding is being supplemented with bottle feeding.” Lurlene loves him,” Sharon Harvey, president of the CAPL, told the local news. “It’s so adorable.”


Right now they’re not accepting applications to adopt Noland. “[He’s} going to be with us for quite awhile,” said Harvey. “We need to be really sure with him. We’ve got to focus on giving him the care he needs right now.”

Read more: http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/oh_cuyahoga/week-old-pitbull-puppy-gets-second-chance-at-life-nursed-back-to-health-by-cat#ixzz2XDlk6q4f


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