VIDEO – Evidence that real life is just like Glee

Sometimes real life is just like a Glee episode, and Mr. Shue gets up to performs an impromptu “On The Street Where You Live.”

At least that’s what happened Sunday night at The Kennedy Center Honors after party, when around 1 a.m. Matthew Morrison (Who plays Mr. Schuester on the hit Fox series) warmed up the Chicago Jazz Orchestra for a little My Fair Lady action.

If only stuff like this happened every day. Like when you’re taking out the trash in your My Little Pony Pajamas and suddenly a man with gorgeous abs and a golden voice shows up with a jazz orchestra to serenade you with “On The Street Where You Live.” A girl can dream . . .

LOLs at the lady requesting Journey. If Matthew had belted out the Glee staple “Don’t Stop Believin'” my romantic notions about this magical midnight musical would have been shot. The whole thing would have come across like a boozy karaoke bar about to close.

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