
TMI alert! Pregnant Snooki overshares about pregnant sex life with Jionni Lavalle! ‘The baby is probably horny ‘

Snooki is never one to filter her words. She has a potty mouth and she’s not afraid to use it. Whether she’s shooting scenes for Jersey Shore or in live interview, she doesn’t hold back or alter who she is. In the latest issue of Us Weekly, she discusses her sex life with fiance Jionni Lavalle.

“I’ll be having sex in my dream — and when I wake up, I’m actually having sex. Jionni’s like, doing it with me as I’m sleeping,” she told the magazine. “I read your baby can feel your orgasm. What does he think it is? Does he see, like rainbows and unicorns?” If that wasn’t too much for you, Snooki also added, “The baby is probably horny. That little creep. [During sex] he’s probably like, ‘Yeah, Mommy!'”

Although this former party girl has toned things down while pregnant, she is ready to get back into the game after she gives birth. However, she will make sure the baby is someone’s care first! “Me and Jionni have made a rule: If we’re hungover or if we’ve had two drinks, we’re not going near the child. We’ll give him to Grandma. God forbid we drop our baby!” We wouldn’t want that to happen!

Regarding any regrets she may have, Snooki told the mag, “I don’t regret my partying or getting blacked out. It was awesome! But now it’s time to be a parent.” Spoken like a true, reformed party girl!

For more of Snooki and Jionni, tune in to Snooki & JWoww every Thursday night at 10/9c — premiere is tomorrow!

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