Teen Mom Amber Portwood rushed to hospital after reported suicide attempt

Amber Portwood attempts suicide according to reports from Star and Radar Online

Teen Mom star Amber Portwood was reportedly found unconscious in her home earlier today with a rope around her neck after an apparent botched suicide attempt. The 21-year-old reality star was discovered passed out on her couch by her on-again, off-again boyfriend Gary Shirley’s mother, after he had a phone conversation with Amber that left him concerned for her safety.

According to a source for Star magazine via Radar Online, Amber was found just after noon today and police and ambulance took her to St. Johns Hospital in Anderson, Indiana where she later regained consciousness and is currently in stable condition.

In addition to the “rope or string” around her neck, the source reveals Amber may have also taken a large quantity of drugs:

“It’s believed she may have taken an overdose of some kind of pill,” the source revealed.

The site suggests there may have been more than one kind of pill involved earlier in the article:

The source said Portwood later admitted to hospital staffers she had taken a cocktail of pills.

UPDATE – MY INDY TV is reporting a slightly different version of the story, claiming that it was Amber who called the police. There is no mention of a rope or string or even unconsciousness:

Anderson Police officials say around 11:34 a.m. Tuesday, their department went to the 1300 block of Pleasant Meadow Drive after Amber Portwood called and said she was depressed and threatening to kill herself.

UPDATE – Fox 59 WXIN says they talked to police and they, too tell a slightly less dramatic story:

Anderson police confirmed to Fox59 News that they were called to her home upon receiving a phone call from someone claiming Portwood was depressed and threatening to end her life. Police said Portwood did not appear to be injured when they arrived, however, she was taken to a local hospital for further evaluation. Police said the incident is considered a medical episode and no further comments would be made by the police department.

UPDATE – Gary Shirley has responded to Amber’s hospitalization (something all news sources seem to concur on) by deleting her Twitter account. He tweeted about an hour ago, “Due to recent events, it was best that Amber delete her Twitter.. Appreciate all those who continue to support.” Just prior to that he made a rather revealing tweet that may shed some light on what pushed Amber over the edge:

Never cheated on Amber.. She may have thought I did, but haven’t. I will always love and respect her even if we aren’t together.

UPDATE – Amber tweeted about Gary’s infidelities prior to the police arriving at her home. CLICK HERE to read her frustrated and then depressed tweets.

UPDATE – Radar Online has updated their story to include a statement from police:

Late this morning (11:34 a.m.), Anderson Police responded to a call at a residence in the 1300 block of Pleasant Meadow Drive. According to the caller, 21-year-old Amber L. Portwood was depressed and threatening to end her life. The victim, who did not appear to be injured, was transported to a local medical facility for further evaluation.

It goes on to clarify, confirming their earlier reports about the rope being around her neck and that the call wasn’t placed by Amber. Their source rpvodes details about the scene when police arrived:

Two policemen arrived, found her face-up on the couch and immediately called for an ambulance. When two EMT workers arrived, they removed the rope that Amber had loosely knotted around her neck. They tried speaking with her, but she was in and out of consciousness and couldn’t respond; she was just moaning. They gave her an oxygen mask, put her on a gurney, and rushed her to the hospital.

As you are probably aware Amber Portwood has been struggling with all sorts of issues since she debuted on MTV’s 16 and Pregnant a couple years ago and it’s well known that she has been on medication to help with her anger management issue as well as depression. She was recently placed on 2 years probation for her numerous violent outburst against baby daddy Gary Shirley, most of which were caught on film and aired by MTV.

We want to wish Amber all the best and once again state that we sincerely hope she’s able to find the help and care that she needs to regain her mental health and be a good mother to Leah.

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