SPOILER Why Desiree Hartsock is upset during The Bachelorette finale

Desiree Hartsock Crying in The Bachelorette Finale
In the preview for the final episode of this season’s The Bachelorette, Desiree Hartsock starts off by raving about how in love she is and how perfectly everything is going. Suddenly, with dramatic footage of a storm rolling in, the mood shifts.

“I never thought this is where I would be,” Des cried to host Chris Harrison. “I just want to go home, to be honest.”

What is it that caused Des to go from madly in love to debating quitting? Read on…


According to Us Weekly, one of the remaining men withdraws from the competition because he is not in love with Des. Meanwhile, Des had it all worked out in her head that he was going to be her future husband. Lots and lots of crying ensues.

Desiress Hartsock Upset in Finale

The leading bet at this point is that Brooks Forester is the heartbreaker. Des has clearly been smitten with Brooks ever since their faux wedding early on in the season. On the other hand, he continues to come across as guarded in his emotions — which may also be a sign of nonexistent affection for Des.

When you really think about it, the whole concept of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette is crazy. In this case, Des got a lot of say in narrowing down her field of suitors. But the guys, who are also seeking a lifetime companion, are essentially forced to fall in love with one girl. That’s just not the way the heart works!

If Brooks (or Chris or Drew) does bow out of the competition, that’s probably for the best. The humiliation and heartbreak may be exceedingly painful for Des, but it will ultimately save her from a future of unrequited love.

Watch it all play out during the season finale on Monday, July 29 at 8/7 p.m. CST.

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