SISTER WIVES Kody wants 50/50 custody of Truely

In a preview for next week’s episode of Sister Wives Christine Brown reveals to her sister wives that she has left Kody and will be moving from Arizona to Utah. During their discussion Kody tells her he wants 50/50 custody of their daughter Truly despite never having spent 50% of is time with Truely before.

“What about Truley?” Janelle asks as she’s taking time to process all the changes coming to their family dynamic.

“Truely’s gonna be fine,” Christine replies. “She’ll miss everybody of course and it’s gonna be hard. I’m taking her from Kody.”

“You can’t take her from me because we’ll have to have a shared custody. It will have to be 50/50,” Kody immediately interjects.

While we don’t get a chance to see how Christine responds directly to Kody, we do get a reaction from her interview with producers.

“Well hell! He could have 50/50 time with us the whole f**king time we’ve lived here,” Christine exclaims.

For the entirety of the lives of most of his kids, Kody hasn’t spent 50% of his parenting time with any child because of the nature of their arrangement. For a while, he spent a third of his time with his three wives while they still lived in Utah.

Once Robyn joined the family, that divided his time to a quarter with each woman and their children. When the family relocated to Flagstaff, Arizona from their cul de sac properties in Las Vegas, even that breakdown changed.

According to Christine ever since they moved to Flagstaff she and her kids saw Kody less than ever before. This dwindled down to almost zero time when COVID-19 hit.

Considering all of this, the fact that Kody now wants 50/50 custody of Truely is a bit absurd.

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