PHOTOS Shipping Wars’ Jennifer Brennan gives birth to baby boy Brennan Grey

Shipping Wars Jennifer Brennan pregnant

Shipping Wars star Jennifer Brennan shocked fans of the show when she recently revealed in an episode that aired in December that she was transporting the most precious of cargos… a baby! Just after the episode aired, Jennifer tweeted, “Thank y’all for all the kind words. I was 6 months in this episode. So hard to keep the secret! Stay tuned for pictures.” And just like she promised, she shared the photo above on instagram and Facebook, writing, “Here is a sneak peak of me 6 months pregnant. Tune in for more updates!”

Those updates came on Jennifer and her fiancé Todd Foster’s Facebook pages, beginning with this sonogram posted by Todd on May 18 accompanied by the announcement, “I’m very excited to tell everyone that Jenn and I are expecting a Little Bundle of Joy! We find out this week if we’re having a boy or a girl!!!”

Shipping Wars  Jennifer Brennan baby sonogram

On June 14 Todd revealed that the couple were expecting a boy, and on October 23, 2013 that’s exactly what they got in the form of 8lbs 14.8 oz Brennan Grey Foster!

Here’s a photo of Jennifer and Todd just prior to her giving birth:

Pregnant Jennifer Brennan iance Todd delivery room

Jennifer posted a photo of Todd holding little Brennan just after he was born and the congratulations poured in. Jennifer replied by writing, “Thank y’all. First night was hard. But Todd was there every minute. Even without sleep I love our little man more and more ever second.”

Also excited for Brennan’s arrival was his big brother! Todd has another son who looks to be five years old or so, and judging from all the great photos of the boys together it appears as though he is ecstatic to have a little brother. Todd, who appears to be quite the perfect dude for all those potentially jealous Jenn fans out there (sorry!), wrote on November 9, “I never understood how parents could love more than 1 child and love each of them differently but just as much as the other… I thank you [Jennifer] from the bottom of my heart for giving me that chance. I love you.”

Is Shipping Wars Jennifer Brennan married? Meet her fiance Todd Foster
^ Shipping Wars’ Jennifer Brennan and fiance Todd Foster

Prior to giving birth, Jennifer also got sentimental about Todd, writing on August 21, “My sister said this a few months ago. She was spot on. There is nothing sexier than a devoted husband and father. I’m lucky to say I have that, even though he isn’t my husband he is amazing and one amazing father!!!! Thank you Todd, I love you.”

Yes, we appear to have found a perfect family. 🙂

UPDATE – Not long after publishing this post Jennifer shared the first photo of her baby son Brennan on her public Facebook page! The picture was taken in front of a Christmas tree and included Todd.

Jennifer Brennan's baby boy and fiance Todd Foster

Jennifer captioned the photo with these appreciative words:

“Our son Brennan Grey Foster came in this world weighing 8.15. He surprised us all in the O.R. How big he was. I never in my life knew love like this. This is the true meaning of love! Thank you all who have supported me throughout this entire thing. Being in the public eye is very hard. Especially being a woman! But I did it and Did it well!!!!!”

While adding that photo Jennifer shared a beautiful photo of just Brennan on Twitter along with the tweet, “Meet my son Brennan Grey Foster.”

Jennifer Brennan baby son Brennan photo

And then this one on instagram captioned, “My handsome son! Brennan Grey Foster.”

Shipping Wars Jennifer Brennan baby son Brennan Grey

Jennifer then updated fans:

Congratulations to Jennifer and Todd. We assume we will get to see more of Jennifer’s pregnancy in new episodes of Shipping Wars airing Tuesday nights at 10/9c on A&E.

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