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Real Housewives of Atlanta Season Two, Episode Two Recap: “Kimtervention” Bonus Clips

Season 2 Episode 2 Recap (Part two)

NeNe talks to her husband and we’re reminded why Gregg and NeNe are such a perfect couple. As entertaining and fun as NeNe is, Gregg is definitely there to keep her mellow and calm her down – which I’m guessing she needs.

Kandi is dreading the meeting with her mother and uses the time at the hairdresser to talk about it. As some mighty tight curls are put on her noggin, she shows off her engagement ring and rehearses her defense of AJ in preparation of her encounter with her mom. “She doesn’t like the fact that he has a lot of children,” she says and shakes her head. Hairdresser Paula half-heartedly tries to convince her “everything will be alright” but it’s a lame attempt and Kandi ain’t buyin’ it.

Lisa and Ed are off to the fertility doctor and I was hoping we might have another Anthony Shorter episode (How funny would that be? “At the sonogram I want to be brought in like Cleopatra with helicopters and…”) But it was all serious with medical terms and pregancy stories. Ho hum. Ed’s flowery douchebag shirt is the first indication we get that every male on the show was sent a box of Ed Hardy apparel, a-la Jon Gosselin.

Kandi arrives at her mom’s house, and in addition to momma, Aunt Nora, Uncle Ralph and Aunt Bertha are there as well. Momma is obviously not happy with Kandi’s decision to marry AJ and her argument is that it’s hard dealing with one baby mama, not to mention FOUR baby mamas! Touche! Aunt Ruth steps in trying to get momma to pull back and Kandi gets emotional as she tries to justify her relationship. Momma backs off a little, basically saying it is Kandi’s choice in the end. Kandi cries more as she explains her admiration for AJ and that fact that he spends a lot of time with his kids. Then, it’s Aunt Bertha’s turn! She’s like a black Paula Dean without the ability to make much sense! Awesome! I love me some Aunt Bertha! (What was that cast of relatives? Uncle Beebo, Booya and Hazuh? We need to meet Kandi’s entire family and soon!) The scene ends, but not before cameras zoom in on Uncle Ralph’s blingy Ed Hardy shirt. (Does anyone else think Kandi’s momma is like Wanda Sykes without a sense of humor? I don’t think that’s a good thing.)

Ed gets pretty serious about trying to have a baby with Lisa and he spends the day preparing for a romantic evening that could have turned straight men gay! Rose petals everywhere, candles, elaborate home-cooked cuisine, he feeds her strawberries, he’s her waiter, he has a massage table set up and becomes her masseuse and he finishes with a candlelit hot tub bubble bath. Actually, I’m sure he finished with something else, but that’s the last thing we saw.

Kandi tries to relieve some stress in the studio and she sings some of her new songs in a really rough jam session. “Oh they say he ain’t cute and he got all them kids…” They run through the song and you can hear the melody start to take shape and Kandi’s stress level diminish.

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