PHOTOS Will street pole dancing be the new skateboarding for girls?

Rebellious kids have been using skateboarding as an outlet for aggression and frustration for years, turning city streets, parks and sidewalks into their own personal training ground and blank canvas for their four-wheeled artistic expression. Though the sport lifestyle isn’t exclusively an all-boys club, it is rare that a young girl is able to find a place among the grinding, kickflip and nollie crowd.

But that may all soon change as girls around the world catch a glimpse of these photos of pole dancers in Argentina taking their art form to the streets to promote the Miss Pole Dancing South America 2010 competition in Buenos Aires! Instead of using a skateboard to grind the curb in front of the local public library, a girl can use her body to grind on the no parking sign in front of City Hall!

This isn’t a phenomenon yet, but there’s no way it’s not going to happen! Miley Cyrus and her affinity for stripper poles has planted the seed and I believe these images are the sunlight needed to make it grow. Sadly, I don’t think it will be long before we start seeing signs like this one in cities around the globe:

No pole dancing street sign

Until then, we will have to get our pole dancing fix from seasoned professionals like Zully Ochoa who hangs on in this next photo seriously stretching out a pair of animal print leggings and giving her bra a much-needed break:

And don’t think subtlety is lost on these artists! Just take a look at the phallic symbolism in the background of these next two pictures:

This next woman demonstrates the dangers of street pole dancing as she flirts with men and the possibility of losing her arm to a bus:

Photos: REUTERS/Enrique Marcarian

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