PHOTOS Teen Moms Kailyn, Chelsea, Leah and Jenelle in Los Angeles (Part 2)

Teen Mom 2 stars Chelsea Houska and Kailyn Lowry in Los Angeles for the Reunion Special

Teen Momapalooza continues in Los Angeles as Kailyn Lowry, Chelsea Houska, Leah Messer and Jenelle Evans of Teen Mom 2 have convened on The City of Angels to film a Reunion Special with Dr. Drew!

Previously I posted photos of Kailyn, Chelsea, and Leah (and Aubree and Ali) out and about in L.A., but sadly there was no Jenelle. Well, that has all changed as the Oak Island drama momma has arrived! Here’s Jenelle (fresh off of some pretty darn great college test scores I might add) along with Kailyn on the Hollywood Walk of Fame:

Teen Moms Jenelle Evans and Kailyn Lowry in Los Angeles for the Reunion Special

And here the two are again, along with the Teen Mom 2 “Lil Dude Contingent,” Kailyn’s son Isaac and Jenelle’s son Jace. (Jace is the one on the right in the highchair with the Texas-sized cupcake in front of him!)

Teen Mom 2 stars Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans with their sons Isaac and Jace

On the far right of the photo is Jenelle’s sister Ashleigh. It was announced a while back that Ashleigh was expecting triplets, but there are rumors she may have lost one ore more of them. I did some research and wasn’t able to confirm those reports, but if it’s true, then I am guessing she will be asked to share her story on the Reunion.

Back to happier news… The girls decided they would show their solidarity by all getting matching heart tattoos! Here is a photo of Kailyn and Chelsea’s wrists with the freshly inked hearts:

Teen Mom 2's Chelsea Houska and Kailyn Lowry get matching heart tattoos on their wrists

Leah got hers done the same day and Jenelle one day after – I assume they are in a similar spot.

Tattoos weren’t the only fun thing making a surprise appearance though! The girls were joined by original Teen Mom baby daddy Gary Shirley, who was in town with daughter Leah to visit Amber Portwood while she is in rehab. Here’s a group shot with Leah, Gary and Chelsea, the latter of which is proudly wearing one of Gary’s famous “It’s Gary Time!” t-shirts:

Gary Shirley joins Teen Mom 2 stars Leah Messer and Chelsea Houska in L.A.

In case you were wondering why the girls are wearing pajamas, Gary paid them a visit at their hotel late and they came down to meet him and pose for the photos. (Note to self: Send Chelsea Houska a “It’s Starcasm Time” t-shirt!)

If I’m not mistaken, I believe that may be Chelsea’s ex Adam Lind standing beside her holding a blue can of something or another. Hmmmmm… (Click the photo to enlarge and see what you think.)

And of course Dr. Drew had to (literally) get in the picture! Here he is along with Kailyn Lowry, her son Isaac, and her ex-boyfriend (?) and business partner Jordan Wenner:

Kailyn Lowry, her son Isaac, Dr. Drew and Jordan Wenner in L.A. for the Teen Mom 2 Reunion

Kudos to the person taking the photo for aligning the heads from shortest to tallest perfectly!

Last, but certainly not least, is perhaps the best of the bunch. Yesterday we saw Kailyn, Chelsea, and Leah posing with blond superstar Britney Spears’ star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Not to be outdone, Jenelle Evans sought out a blond star more famous that Britney to pose with – and not just her star either!

Jenelle Evans, Marilyn Monroe, Jenelle's mom Barbara and her sister Ashleigh in L.A.

Yep, that’s Teen Mom 2‘s Jenelle Evans along with Marilyn Monroe, Jenelle’s mom Barbara and her sister Ashleigh! (I wasn’t able to track down the original source for this image so I apologize for the pink lettering over top of the photo.)

Aside from the could-be appearance on Adam Lind in the picture above, we still haven’t seen anything from the Teen Mom 2 dads. In addition to Adam, both Jo Rivera and Corey Simms are reportedly there now and are bound to be having some sort of fun!

UPDATE – These photos are coming in faster than I can type! Here is another great shot of Kailyn and Jenelle showing us what they look like to their dentists:

Teen Mom 2 stars Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans pose together in Los Angeles

Who would have guessed Kailyn would have her tongue pierced and not Jenelle?!?

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)

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