PHOTOS Leah Messer’s daughters in princess and vampire Halloween costumes

Leah Messer daughters Ali Aleeah Addie Halloween costumes

Halloweek is officially underway, and our latest batch of costume snaps comes courtesy of Teen Mom 2 star Leah Messer, whose three daughters Ali, Aleeah and Addie were a wonderful recipe of two parts princess and one part vampire as they participated in a seasonal event together!

And just in case the great costumes weren’t enough, Ali steps up her Halloween game with a serious vampiretastic face:

Leah Messer daughters Ali Aleeah Halloween 2015

Meanwhile, Aleeah and Addie were also acting the part as they looked about as princessly as possible:

Leah Messer daughter Aleeah Halloween costume princess

Leah Messer daughter Addie Halloween princess

Leah Messer's daughter Adalynn princess costume

The photos come just a few days after it was revealed that Leah has reportedly lost full custody of Ali and Aleeah to their dad Corey. The decision has not put a damper on Leah’s attitude, however, as she has tweeted her excitement over spending weekend time with her daughters. From last Saturday:

There’s nothing like actually having actual QUALITY time with my girls, for once. We aren’t running around to apts but INSTEAD we are having a fun filled weekend together l. ENJOYING each other as a family. ? At the end of the day that’s what matters most ! #memories

Perhaps having more free time during the week will be exactly what Leah needs to help her straighten out her life and finally be able to achieve her goal of being the best mother she possibly can. We are certainly pulling for her!

Here are a few more photos of Leah and her girls having a spooktacular time:

Leah Messer with her daughters Halloween 2015

Leah Messer with her daughters Halloween photos 2015

Leah Messer's daughter Aliannah vampire costume

And in case you missed it, Leah’s ex Corey Simms and his wife Miranda also had a busy weekend as pregnant Miranda had her baby shower! Click the link to see photos and find out the name Corey and Miranda have chosen for their daughter!

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