PHOTOS Farrah Abraham’s newest boobs in a bikini at Sapphire Pool party

Farrah Abraham boob job photo after breast surgery

Say what you will about Farrah Abraham (as if anybody needed my permission for that!) but she is definitely working hard at keeping that train wreck rolling. The 22-year-old single mom porn star continues her whirlwind summer tour of strip clubs and nightclubs and I guess swimming pools as she unveiled her brand new pair of Farrah Abramammaries in a sparkly blue bikini while hosting a party at the Sapphire Pool and Dayclub in Las Vegas earlier today.

Farrah Abraham Sapphire Pool tanning

In case you missed it, Farrah Abraham announced this week that she underwent her second breast augmentation surgery on June 3 upgrading from a C-cup to a D-cup and switching out saline for silicon. Though her new breasts are large for her small frame, Farrah insists “I’m really about keeping myself looking natural.”

So what do you think? Is Farrah looking au naturel?

Farrah Abraham after boob job bikini photo

Whether her ta-tas are too big or not, it can’t be said Farrah wasn’t a good host — at least not judging from all these photos in which Farrah appears to be having a blast!

Farrah Abraham Sapphire Pool squirt gun photo

Farrah Abraham Sapphire Pool 3  Farrah Abraham Sapphire Pool 4  Farrah Abraham Sapphire Pool 2

Farrah is no doubt working for that dollar! In addition to smiling, swimming, tanning and posing for photos, Farrah also apparently took the opportunity to model several bikinis. Here are a couple photos posted by Sapphire Pool on their Facebook page in which Farrah is seen wearing a coral colored suit and a lighter blue one:

Farrah Abraham Sapphire red orange bikini

Farrah Abraham in a light blue bikini at Sapphire Pool and Dayclub in Las Vegas

And here’s the announcement from Sapphire so you can know exactly what all you missed today:

Poster for Farrah Abraham hosting the Sapphire Pool and Dayclub pool party June 14 2013

Friday, June 14th – Farrah Abraham, Star of Backdoor Teen Mom

Date: June 14, 2013
Time: 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Farrah Abraham, star of MTV’s Teen Mom, will be hosting at the Sapphire Pool & Day Club June 14th! Abraham was featured on MTV, during her pregnancy of her baby Sophia. Tragedy struck as her daughter’s father, Derek Underwood, passed away after an automobile accident. Recently, Abraham entered the world of adult entertainment, appearing in ‘Backdoor Teen Mom’ with adult veteran James Deen. The video broke internet viewing records formerly owned by Ray-J and Kim Kardashian’s sex tape.

Resident DJ Truelove will be performing. Pool hours are 11AM-7PM. For reservations, call 702.303.3430.

All photos: Sapphire Pool (unless otherwise designated on the photos)

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