PHOTO The Dark Knight Rises: Occupy Gotham City movie poster

The Dark Knight Rises Occupy Gotham City movie poster

Warner Brothers released the second trailer for The Dark Knight Rises this week and it appears to have an Occupy Wall Street flair as Catwoman (played by Anne Hathaway) whispers into Bruce Wayne’s ear…

“You think this will last? There’s a storm coming Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches ’cause when it hits you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.”

And Bane is heard telling fans at a Gotham Rogues football game to “take control of your city.” Mmmmm hmmmm.

So… I made a silly The Dark Knight Rises: Occupy Gotham City movie poster using an image from the film set of actor Tom Hardy as super villain Bane appearing to read from a laundry list of demands to a rather lackluster crowd. Ah, the sweet life of a blogger! Now, go make it viral!

Original Bane photo: Jason Winslow / Splash News

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