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PHOTO New Magic Mike XXL movie poster with 30-pack abs

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I think we could all use a break from this whole Duggargate thing, and what better distraction could there be than a brand new Magic Mike XXL movie poster with five shirtless dancing super-hunks?

Magic Mike XXL movie poster hi res

The new poster revealed yesterday (above – click to enlarge) features star Channing Tatum front and center with co-stars (from left to right) Adam Rodriguez (standing), Matt Bomer, Joe Manganiello, and Kevin Nash. The group photo is in the same style as previously released individual character posters with the men in black and white in front of the film’s title in gold lettering. Actually, the new poster is pretty similar to the one we created from the character posters back in April:

Magic Mike XXL character posters

We can all “get back to the grind” when Magic Mike XXL hits theaters July 1.

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