PHOTO Mob Wives’ Big Ang goes blonde!

Big Ang blonde hair

Forget Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus, we’ve got the real deal brunette-to-blonde bombshell for you: Mob Wives star Angela “Big Ang” Raiola revealed she has gone with lighter locks and the results are jaw-dropping!

“Enjoying Palm sunday with my sister, brother in law, and nieces and nephews…” Big Ang casually wrote on Facebook along with the photo above. She then added, “And of course, my new hair. Love you my babies.”

And just in case you needed a reminder, here are side-by-side photos of Big Ang with dark and blonde hair:

Big Ang blonde hair before and after

I suppose it shouldn’t come as any real surprise to Big Ang fans that she would choose to go blonde, after all, it’s well known that she has no issue drastically changing her appearance! (Click here to check out some throwback photos of Big Ang to see what I mean — including her previous stints as a blonde.)

Plus, as we previously reported, Big Ang has always had a bit of Marilyn Monroe in her:

PHOTOS Mob Wives star 'Big Ang' channels Marilyn Monroe

Posted by on Tuesday, February 21, 2012

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