PHOTO: Miley Cyrus cut her hair even shorter
Maybe she was tired of being told she was copying Pink, but Miley Cyrus has cut her platinum blonde hair even shorter.
After a while of going out wearing hats, she was snapped out November 19 sporting the new look.
Miley shocked fans this August when she completely separated herself with her Hannah Montana days by dying and cutting off her hair. Then it kind of backfired when she showed up the VMAs with the exact same mohawk-type hairstyle as Pink.
After that initial change, she told ELlen that it was “more than a fashion statement” because it was eco-friendly. Why eco-friendly? Because she doesn’t wash it that much, and in fact, prefers it dirty. Think of all the water she’s saving!
“When you wake up, your hair is done. It’s so easy. And the dirtier it is, the more I like it, so it’s great. Showering has cut down, I’m saving water… This is more than a fashion statement; it’s eco-friendly.”