
Miley tweets ‘9 Disney Princesses drawn as Miley Cyrus’ photos

Miley Cyrus as Snow White drawing foam finger

Miley Cyrus is a bit of a Disney princess herself, so of course it would make sense that she would be ‘drawn’ to a series of illustrations by Michele Moricci depicting Disney princesses reimagined as Miley Cyrus. The 20-year-old singer and former Hannah Montana star tweeted a photo earlier today that included all nine Miley-fied illustrations done by Moricci for Cosmopolitan, including Belle, the Little Mermaid, Jasmine, Mulan, Pocahontas, Cinderella, Tiana, Snow White (seen above) and Sleeping Beauty.

Here is the montage image tweeted by Miley along with, “#OGDISNEYPRINCESS ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Disney Princesses drawn as Miley Cyrus

Although it’s hard to resist Snow White foam finger!ng herself, I’d have to say “Wrecking Belle” is my favorite. Not only does it have complete Disney Princess nudity, but it also inspired a punderful title!

Miley later seemed to lament the fact that she isn’t able to create similar images on her own as she tweeted, “Can one of my supadupa artist fans PUHHHLEAZZZ teach me how to drawwwwwww”

Be sure to check out full-sized images of all nine Walt Disney princesses drawn as Miley Cyrus over at Cosmopolitan.com!

On a similar note, does anyone remember our Disney Princess drawn as Kim Kardashian (inspired by her mermaid Halloween costume back in 2009)?

Here’s the original from 2009 slightly modified to fit the Moricci theme:

Kim Kardashian as the Little Mermaid with big booty

And here’s image revamped again, this time taking into consideration Kim’s new relationship with Kanye West, who starred in a very special “Under the Sea” musical segment on South Park a while back:

South Park Kanye West gay fish Kim Kardashian little mermaid Walt Disney

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