Miley Cyrus says there’s one person in the world who truly gets her…
It’s a lonely world for a Disney child actress turned raunchy adult pop star. Thankfully for Miley Cyrus, one person really gets what she’s going through: Britney Spears.
“Everyone goes through a time in their life where they don’t want their picture taken everyday. She just never had that time where she could say ‘I’m going through something right now and need to shut down,'” Miley told The Huffington Post of Britney. “I also don’t have that, so it’s good to have that one person in my life who gets it.”
Miley and Britney go way back to the days Miley was better known as Hannah Montana, Disney’s fresh-faced star. They have reportedly even celebrated Thanksgiving together — and it sounds like there was some good sisterly advice shared over turkey and mashed potatoes…
“I just think it’s never blaming you or making you feel like ‘you’ve got all this going for you,’ it’s like she knows,” Miley said. “Sometimes life just steps in the middle of your career the way life always does for anyone — it’s just ours is a little more 24/7.”
Although Britney sounds like a protective big sis, she has admitted she could learn a thing or two from Miley.
“Maybe you can teach me how to twerk sometime,” Britney tweeted to the We Can’t Stop singer last month.