Michael Sam rescues Twitter fan who pledged to buy the universe free drinks if Sam sacked Johnny Manziel



Last Saturday, the St. Louis Rams played the Cleveland Browns in a preseason NFL game. The game–if it was noteworthy at all–featured the two most-talked-about rookies from this year’s draft: Cleveland’s backup quarterback Johnny “Rolled Bills” Manziel and St. Louis’ defensive end Michael Sam, also known as the first openly gay player in league history.

Perhaps because he wanted to see if the world would explode if these two objects of intense curiosity collided, Twitter user Fisher King tweeted out the following:

Which is fine, right? I mean, what are the odds of all of those things happening in that very precise, very exact order?

Except that, then, this happened:





And Fisher knew it, too:

Perhaps understandably, Fisher took some heat on Twitter for not ponying up at every bar, everywhere, at the same time. But that was when Michael Sam himself got wind of the situation, and stepped in to defuse it:

And so Fisher, knowing that this was the best possible outcome, jumped at the chance:

ESPN later reported that Fisher (who has not divulged his real name), donated $500.

So this is one of those stories where everyone comes away smiling. Fisher’s off the hook for endless free drinks; Sam made a classy move; the Boys and Girls Club of St. Louis got a donation it wouldn’t have otherwise; the rest of us had a laugh.

And Fisher isn’t done playing clairvoyant:

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