LINKS! Leo’s new boo, Solange deletes Twitter, Taylor Swift too pretty to sketch…

Leo's new boo 1

DLISTEDTom Cruise broke his ankle while filming one of his own stunts on the Mission: Impossible 6 set; he blew the stunt, too

REALITY TEAShannon Beador is opening her own restaurant, which will be lemon-themed and feature in the new season of RHOC


JEZEBELSolange deleted her Twitter account with a blaze of glory

THE BLEMISHThe courtroom sketch artist who raised all manner of hell with his drawings of Taylor Swift says that it’s hard to sketch her well because she’s too pretty and well-proportioned

VOXHBO accidentally aired another Game of Thrones episode ahead of schedule, so now it’s all over the internet

VERY SMART BROTHASThe Apple Watch 2 is “like a really expensive Fitbit that has the potential to kill me way more than I was prepared for (it’s basically Moniece from Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood)”

THE SUPERFICIALHere’s a photo gallery of Lorena Rae, who is probably Leonardo DiCaprio’s new girlfriend and also maybe his first non-blonde girlfriend ever?

UPROXXWould-be jurors in the Martin Shkreli trial were dismissed for dragging him all the way to hell and back, and also because he dissed Wu-Tang

(Photo credits: Leo’s new boo via Instagram)


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