Lindsay Lohan to host Saturday Night Live March 3, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Saturday Night Live

During last night’s episode of Saturday Night Live hosted by Maya Rudolph, NBC slipped in an ever-so-brief announcement that Lindsay Lohan would be returning to host the show along with musical guest Jack White on March 3.

Here’s a screen cap of the graphic announcing Lindsay’s return:

Lindsay Lohan and Jack White to host Saturday Night Live March 3 2012

Lindsay Lohan, SNL, and even Lindsay’s mom Dina Lohan all took to Twitter to express their excitement:

SNL Dina Lohan and Lindsay Lohan tweet about her SNL appearance March 3 2012

The appearance should be a boon for Lindsay, who is promoting, ummmmm, an old issue of Playboy?

I’ve got my fingers crossed for a White Stripes skit featuring Jack White and Lindsay Lohan as Meg White. Although, I’m still waiting for the skit I proposed when it was announced she would be hosting in December of 2010

SNL skit Lindsay Lohan Of The Hill People


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