Did Lindsay Lohan Photoshop her thong selfie? Could it land her in jail?

Lindsay Lohan thong instagram photo

Lindsay Lohan is the latest celebrity being accused of Photoshopping a selfie posted to Instagram, but getting busted trying to make herself look thinner may be the least of her worries as the light-heartedly captioned photo seems to undermine her justification for not completing her court-ordered community service. She goes before a judge next week, and if her excuse doesn’t hold up, she could be headed back to jail!

First things first: It definitely appears as though Lindsay Lohan Photoshopped her Calvin Klein thong selfie, or else she has some very strange toiletry bottles built to lean waaaaay to the left:

Lindsay Lohan thong instagram photo Photoshop

I opened up Photoshop and tried to “unalter” the image by getting the little bottles to stand up straight and line up on the bottom with the bottle on the left. I also tried to keep the line in the background relatively straight. Here’s the result:

Lindsay Lohan thong instagram before Photoshopping

As far as Lindsay’s legal troubles, TMZ reports that Lindsay has once again failed to complete her court-ordered community service stemming from her 2012 reckless driving case. As part of that sentencing, Lindsay was required to complete 240 hours of community service, but when her attorney went before the judge for a hearing to show proof of completion on November 6, it was revealed that Lindsay had only completed roughly half of the required hours.

The judge then set a second hearing date for next week, but the site reports Lindsay still isn’t close to finishing.

Lindsay will reportedly argue that the community service center in London (where she is currently) was not open for a period of two weeks due to the holidays. And, as you may have heard, she reportedly contracted the incurable mosquito-born Chikungunya virus, leading to her hospitalization for a high fever, fatigue, and severe joint pain. The pain was so severe, Lindsay reportedly couldn’t walk.

This is where her thong selfie could get her into a bit of hot water because she joked about her condition with the caption, “#mycalvins are helping me fight off my chikungunya hehe.”

Not only has Lindsay had a history of falling short of the court’s expectations and requirements, but she also has a history of running into judges that do not have a sense of humor about it. I’m guessing this photo and caption will be mentioned at least once during Wednesday’s hearing. Stay tuned.

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