BEFORE & AFTER Kate Middleton Photoshopped to oblivion for magazine cover
Most of us can agree that Kate Middleton is practically perfect in every single way… So there’s really no explaining why the editors of Women’s Day in Australia not only elected to Photoshop pictures of her at a recent event but actually distorted them to the point that the Duchess looks like a Walking Dead extra.
I imagine these were the thoughts of the editor: A balanced skin tone? Nah. Human-looking eyes? Boring. Diamond earring that don’t glimmer like cartoons? Not fit for a princess!
Although the “crimes of Photoshop” cover would be one thing for a small publication to churn out, Women’s Day actually has a sizable circulation of two million readers and is owned by the same company as Australia’s Cosmopolitan, OK! and Good Health. That company, Bauer Media Group, hasn’t addressed the criticism of their latest cover yet. In the past, other magazines have doctored Kate to look pregnant when she wasn’t and Marie Claire South Africa even ‘shopped her to look like she posed for them when she hadn’t. The price of being a princess, I suppose!