Jenelle Eason shares photos after nose surgery, explains the procedures she had done

Earlier this week, Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Eason posted a photo on Instagram (above right) showing her nose bandaged, and she captioned it by writing: “Day 2 – Feeling Miserable.” The photo had many speculating that Jenelle had elected to get a nose job, but the reality star posted new update photos earlier today and revealed the real reason she went under the knife — twice.

The two photos included Jenelle wearing sunglasses and sipping on a straw in a hospital bed as her bearded beau David Eason snapped the selfies. “Just want to say thank you for always taking care of me,” Jenelle wrote to her husband in the caption, adding the ?? emoji. She also added a string of three hash tags that shed a little light on her surgery: #Septoplasty #RoughRecovery #SinusSurgery

In case you were curious about septoplasty (like I was), here is a description from The Mayo Clinic:

Septoplasty (SEP-toe-plas-tee) is a surgical procedure to correct a deviated septum — a displacement of the bone and cartilage that divides your two nostrils. During septoplasty, your nasal septum is straightened and repositioned in the middle of your nose. This may require your surgeon to cut and remove parts of your nasal septum before reinserting them in the proper position.

Septoplasty wasn’t the only procedure Jenelle had done, however. She reveals in the comments that she also had sinus surgery “to open my canals.”

COMMENT: Did you want to have that done or was it necessary? Your nose looked perfect before but whatever makes you happy. Prayers for a speedy recovery!

JENELLE: No, I neverrrrrrrr in my life wanted this surgery. I had a deviated septum at 90 degrees and couldn’t breathe. Also had sinus surgery at the same time to open my canals. ?????

She explained more in depth on Facebook:

Mommas turn! ? Isn’t the prettiest picture of me, but I still wanted to share. I got a septoplasty and sinus surgery this week and still in recovery. Had a deviated septum at 90 degrees and my canals to my sinuses in my cheeks were almost closed! Now I can breathe again like it’s the very first time! No, didn’t go to a plastic surgeon either. This was done by an ENT after multiple CAT scans. ??? #ThankGoodness #Septoplasty #Recovery #Surgery

Jenelle’s Teen Mom 2 co-star Briana DeJesus offered up her well wishes in the comments section of the Instagram photos. “You look so cute!” she wrote, adding a Lol and “Glad ur feeling better.”

Jenelle responded in good spirits: “I said ‘babe take a selfie of us!’ ??‍♀️? first thing I thought of.”

Jenelle has been complaining about health issues for months, and I assume that some of those issues stemmed from sinus problems. We wish her a speedy recovery, and hope that the surgeries alleviate some of the discomfort she has been feeling. Hopefully we will be able to learn a little bit more about her issues and the decision to have surgery on the new season of Teen Mom 2.

Now we all just sit back and wait to see if David elects to undergo a beardoplasty…

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)

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