Heidi Klum tweets 1992 modeling photo of herself as a brunette

Heidi Klum tweeted this photo of herself from 1992 looking stunning as a brunette. Another remarkable thing about this photo: the creepy dolls on Heidi’s left. Maybe they were on a media circuit promoting a scary movie.

The star tweeted “Wow! Check out this picture from 1992. One of my very first photo shoots. This is my original hair color!” She was only 18 or 19 when this photo was taken.

Wow! Check out this picture from 1992. One of my very first photo shoots. This is my original hair color! http://t.co/ezDoaI5b 1 day ago via Twitpic ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

We’re used to seeing Heidi Klum with her signature blonde locks, but she would have been just as successful in her modeling career if she had kept her original hair color.

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